- Online 29th Topical Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry, 18-21 April 2021
- UNIPD oral presentation: Effect of induced Micro- and Meso-porosity on the formation and activity of Fe-N-C active sites for Oxygen Reduction Reaction, M. Mazzucato, G. Daniel, A. Mehmood, T. Kosmala, G. Granozzi, A. Kucernak and C. Durante |
- EFCD2019, 15-18 September 2019, La Grande Motte, France
- JMFC Keynote: The labyrinth around low PGM fuel cells for the electrification of the power train, D. Fongalland, G. Spikes, A. Hodkingson, L. Smith, D. Houghton, J. Sharman and A.Martinez |
- International Society of Electrochemistry Annual Meeting, 4-9 August 2019, Durban, South Africa
- CNRS, TUB, ICL, UNIPD, JMFC joined oral presentation: Increased Understanding of non-PGM Catalysts for PEMFC Cathodes, J. Jones, F. Jaouen, P. Y. Blanchard, A. Roy, M. Primbs, A. Mehmood, A. Kucernak, P. Strasser, G. Granozzi, C. Durante, L. Calvillo Lamana, S. Agnoli, A. Martinez Bonastre, D. Fongalland, G. Spikes, J. D. B. Sharman |
- Energy and the Environment: Bioelectrochemistry and Energy Storage, July 21-26, 2019, Glasgow, Scotland
- CNRS invited presentation: Iron-nitrogen moieties embedded in a carbon matrix as bio-inspired electrocatalytic sites for dioxygen electroreduction in fuel cells, F. Jaouen |
- 235th ECS meeting, 26-30 May 2019, Dallas, USA
- CNRS poster presentation: Chemically Regenerative Redox Fuel Cell As Alternative to Conventional Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell, P.Y Blanchard, N. Donzel, M. Dupont, J. Rozière and D. J. Jones |
- 25th Topical Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry, New electrochemical processes for energy, and the environment 12-15 May 2019, Toledo, Spain
- University of Padova oral presentation: Converting mixed plastics into mesoporous Fe-N-C electrocatalyst for energy devices, Giorgia Daniel, Christian Durante, Armando Gennaro, Gaetano Granozzi, Mark Suslov - University of Padova poster presentation: Effect of different iron precursors on catalytic performance of Fe-N-C Catalysts for ORR PEMFC, Giorgia Daniel, Marco Mazzucato, Christian Durante, Armando Gennaro |
- FCH JU PEMFC development workshop, 5-6 March 2019, Marseille, France
- All partners poster presentation: CRESCENDO - Critical Raw material Electro-catalystS replacement ENabling Designed pOst-2020 PEMFC |
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- CNRS, TUB, ICL, UNIPD, JMFC joined poster presentation: Identification of the Site Density and Turnover Frequency of Fe-N-C Catalysts and of PEMFC Performance Limitations of Fe-N-C Catalyst Layers, A. Roy, M.T. Sougrati, P. Y. Blanchard, F. Jaouen, D. Jones, J. Sharman, G. Spikes, A.M. Bonastre, D. Fongalland, L. Smith, M. Primbs, Y. Sun, P. Strasser, A. Mehmood, A. Kucernak, G. Granozzi, C. Durante, S. Agnoli, L. Calvillo, T. Kosmala, G. Daniel | |
- ICL oral presentation: Counting active sites and estimating turnover rates in Fe-C/N catalysts, Anthony Kucernak, Daniel Malko, Asad Mehmood |
- 69th Annual ISE Meeting, 2-7 September 2018, Bologna, Italy
- University of Padova poster presentation: Infuence of Iron complex precursor on the active site density in Fe-N-C Catalysts for ORR PEMFC, Giorgia Daniel, Armando Gennaro, Christian Durante. - University of Padova oral presentation: Highly Graphitized Fe-Nitrogen Doped Carbon Derived from Biomass as Electrocatalyst for Oxygen Reduction Reaction, Giorgia Daniel, Federico Brombin,Gaetano Granozzi, Armando Gennaro, Christian Durante - University of Padova poster presentation: Soft Template Synthesis of Fe-N-C Catalysts for ORR from Fe-Chelating Polymers, Valentina Perazzolo, Giorgia Daniel, Gaetano Granozzi, Armando Gennaro, Christian Durante |